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With IVAO You can invest in the most promising biotechnology companies and projects selected by our experts. We carefully select the best opportunities to invest Your capital. With us You can easily invest in the leaders of tomorrow — public and private companies and projects

Found 5102 projects
Институт Биомедицинских Исследований имени Уайтхеда {{en:Whitehead Research}}
Whitehead Research
United States of America
Research institutes
Массачусетский Технологический Институт {{en:MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology}}
MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
United States of America
Research institutes
Йельская Школа Медицины {{en:Yale University School of Medicine}}
Yale University School of Medicine
United States of America
Research institutes
Калифорнийский Университет в Беркли {{en:University of California, Berkeley}}
University of California, Berkeley
United States of America
Research institutes
Исследовательский Институт Скриппса {{en:The Scripps Research Institute}}.
The Scripps Research Institute
United States of America
Research institutes
Стэнфордский Университет{{en: Stanford University}}
Stanford University
United States of America
Research institutes
Гарвардский Институт Стволовых Клеток {{en:Harvard Stem Cells Institute}}
Harvard Stem Cells Institute
United States of America
Research institutes
Медицинский Университет Говарда Хьюза {{en:Howard Hughes Medical Institute}}
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
United States of America
Research institutes
Национальный институт исследования генома человека {{en:National Human Genome Research Institute}}
National Human Genome Research Institute
United States of America
Research institutes
Национальный Институт Рака{{en: National Cancer Institute}}
National Cancer Institute
United States of America
Research institutes
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